Monday, February 23, 2009

Lulin Comet where are you

my sky view pro, focusing to Orion 

this activity were suppose to capture the image of Lulin comet which is believed to be closest to earth on 23 Feb 09.

however due to the sky condition, most of the time covered with cloud, the object for shooting now change to errrr...oil refiney station.... :D

i capture the Lulin image, as you can see, errrr.....Lulin is behind those cloud...:D


3cats said...

Penat ooo pgi.. dah la demam...
huhuhu.. sampai sana apa pun tak nmpak...

ammar said...

thank u for being my foolower...
wanna learn astrophotography from u..

Owner Aurora Sofiya said...

itulah suka duka kehidupan.. hehe.. selamat hari raya